January 31, 2008
January 30, 2008
January 29, 2008
Patterns in Nature: Aerial Views
January 28, 2008
January 27, 2008
January 26, 2008
Patterns in Nature: Aerial Views
January 25, 2008
Sumo in Japan

I've been to a sumo match before and watched it on television while living in Japan. I love it. It is so amazing to see these huge men, who look like bull elephants (not the horrible ugly stereotype shown in the West). These guys have little to no body fat it seems. It is massive muscle! The match is so fast that if you blink you could miss the key wrestling hold that tosses the other opponent out of the ring for the win. The strength and skill of these guys makes them into rock stars when they climb the success ladder during their career.
If you get a chance to sit ringside and watch a sumo match, do it! You will be amazed. Later on I will post some of my photos from the tournament I watched several years ago.
January 24, 2008
January 23, 2008
A Giraffe
January 22, 2008
A Puffer Fish
January 21, 2008
Chopping old growth trees in Vermont and across the USA
The trees around George and Agnes Spaulding’s 170-year-old farmhouse here are as good as money in the bank, many being old-growth maples that are valuable not only for the quality of their wood but also for the sweet sap that the couple boils into syrup each spring.
Having been born on the farm, Mr. Spaulding, 78, loves the trees the way only someone who grew up with them could. But beyond that, he counts on the syrup sales to supplement the family income, which comes mainly from the twice-a-day milking of three dozen cows.
So when a neighboring farmer crossed onto the Spauldings’ land and chopped down 30 or so of their best trees, the couple was devastated.
“There were a lot of nights spent worrying, and when I’d get up, I’d just see bare stumps”
January 20, 2008
January 19, 2008
January 18, 2008
India & Gold
If you travel to India, and you are a woman, a very interesting excursion would be to visit the old sellers of gold. Indian women are given gold when they marry, and they seek to add to their collection during the married lives.
It is a way to protect their wealth and pass it on to their children. What is amazing is that they typically buy pure gold. And the Financial Times, just wrote of how the housewives of India are a key indicator for gold demand.
I love traveling for reasons like this. You see another country. Experience another culture and learn unique aspects such as this.
India is the world's largest consumer of the precious metal and the apparent sell-signal from its value-savvy householders may prove unsettling for global investors hoping that gold will continue to be a safe haven in volatile markets.
"Demand for gold is virtually zero," said Suresh Hundia, president of the Bombay Bullion Association. "People are taking profits and selling their gold back to jewellers for 2.5-3 per cent less than international market prices."
As the gold price has soared to record highs, imports have come to a near standstill, tumbling 70 per cent to 80 per cent in the past month, according to Mr Hundia. Economists estimate that gold imports in the last quarter of 2007 could have been 20 per cent lower than in the same period.
Pictorials to inspire
- What are your plans for 2008?
- Where will you go?
- Where will you find beauty in the new year?
- What tips do you have for your fellow travelers?
January 17, 2008
Apple amazes me again with its new MacBook Air
The next time you're at the airport, wouldn't you also like to see the TSA screener give their monitor a tilted head & eye squint as they scan your plastic bin with this in it sliding by....ha!
January 16, 2008
200 Posts!
Arctic Sea Ice
January 15, 2008
January 14, 2008
Air Pockets in Antarctica
January 13, 2008
January 12, 2008
Ice Cave in Bavaria
January 11, 2008
January 10, 2008
January 9, 2008
Hello Kitty, Hello Miffy