So my first long trip out of the country is coming up. This time around my search for the perfect packing list is already wearing me out. One of the biggest problems for traveling light, on my trips anyway, comes down to my listening and reading material (Surprise! You probably thought it would be my number of shoes). For this trip my listening will be relegated to my Apple iPhone and all the music stored on it.
However my reading material will be a combination of Stanza and other apps that I have downloaded already. The sticky wicket here is that I also need another resource so that when one battery is being recharged, I can still keep myself entertained. We have some long flights and layovers to manage.
Now comes the expensive and confusing part, what e-book reader do I commit to? The number of choices out there are overwhelming for this e-book newbie:
- Kindle DX (it just came out in May)
- Barnes & Noble nook
- Sony Reader
- iRex iLiad
- Jinke Hanlin e-Reader
- CyBook by Bookeen
Should I scrap the whole idea and just bring along some magazines like the Economist and the Atlantic? I will be in Spain mostly and will have access to decent power outlets, if that matters. What do I do? If there is anyone out there with an opinion or better yet, experience with one of these readers while traveling, and has the time to leave me their two-cents I would be grateful.