"It's a wonderful day, when the true spirit of San Francisco comes out to play," said John Woody, 26, of San Francisco, as he looked around the crowd. Along with more than a dozen of his friends, Woody was dressed in a red, white and blue suit, the uniform of what he and his mates said were American gladiators. His gladiator name was Wolf.
At that point, another gladiator, Christina Marks, 26, whose nom du jour was Siren, said to Wolf, "will you accept my challenge? He said, "yes," and the two started jousting with Styrofoam-covered jousting sticks.
"We're going to have several jousting matches throughout the day," she said, as she sipped a Bud Lite before crossing the starting line.
...do you think that this really is the true spirit of SF, really?
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