Come November I often pour through the Heifer gift catalog - and give my nieces and nephews colorful cards, showing a flock of chicks or maybe a goat had been given in their name... It makes for interesting conversations around the Christmas tree.
My family and I suffered so much. When we received our four goats and learned about the passing on the gift, I could not imagine it was I who would help end the suffering of another. – Alves Mangagao, project partner from Mozambique
Who/What is Heifer?
For almost 60 years this amazing organization has worked to end world hunger. Through various programs and efforts they are helping people obtain a sustainable source of food and income.
With a holistic approach
Heifer has a set of global initiatives – areas of emphasis that must be addressed if they’re to meet their mission of ending world hunger and poverty and caring for the earth. Click on any of these to learn more:
Agroecology Animal Well-Being Gender Equity HIV-AIDS Microenterprise Urban Agriculture Young People's Initiative
Heifer Study Tours: Travel with a Purpose
The tours are small - often 12-14 people - specialized expeditions through spectacular geography and unique ecosystems to remote villages and isolated peoples.
A Study Tour takes you beyond your ideas about poverty, and shows you what the human spirit is capable of overcoming. This is such a wonderful way to reconnect with the world around us, to learn about other cultures and to educate ourselves.
I am a huge fan of this program and plan to participate - maybe I can convince one of my nieces or nephews to join me?!
Service Learning - Educational Travel
It is a journey into the daily lives of extraordinary people. As you visit with the farmers and families who are working with Heifer to improve their lives and protect the earth, you learn more than you could have imagined. Here is a sample of the 2009 Calendar:
Trip Dates: May 20-30, 2009
Begins in Prishtina, Kosovo and ends in Tirana, AlbaniaUSA: South Central (Louisiana)
Trip Dates: March 8-14, 2009
Begins and ends in New OrleansHonduras
Trip Dates: May 11-18, 2009
Begins in Tegucigalpa and ends in San Pedro SulaAfrica: Cameroon
Trip Dates: May 13-23, 2009
Begins and ends in Douala
"It's not easy to laugh when you're hungry. Instead of giving life to drawings as I've done, Heifer Project gives life by providing food-producing animals to people in need. — Chuck Jones, creator of Bugs Bunny
10 days trip summary in morocco in detail please go here: